艺术家数字资产管理 访问量:118505




    1961年3月生于四川省,1984年毕业于四川美术学院. 厦门大学艺术学院教授,1982年开始油画艺术创作。作品多次参加全国美展、专题美展、油画大展、出国美展等,作品多次被中国美术馆、外国美术馆及收藏家收藏,作品在众多有影响力的国内外专业书籍、杂志、报刊中发表。从1999年己来出版了三本个人画册,2010年被美国著名的艺术创作中心Vermont Studio Center 邀请到该中心进行数月的艺术创作并举办个展。
    Yuan Min was born in Sichuan Province in March, 1961. In 1984, he graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and then worked as a professor in Arts College of Xiamen University. Since 1982, he has been engaged in oil painting art creation. His works have been repeatedly on display in the National Art Exhibition, several theme exhibitions, oil painting and foreign arts exhibitions. The works are so excellent and special that they have been collected by National Art Museum of China, foreign art museums and collectors and published in domestic and foreign professional books, magazines and newspapers. From 1999 to 2016, he has published three personal albums. In 2010, he was invited by Vermont Studio Center, America’s well-known art creation center, to produce arts and hold a solo art exhibition for several months.
    Her representatives: Beyond the Horizon, The Reverence of People from the Mountains, Silver Jewelry, A Series of Tibet-themed Paintings, A Series of Tide-themed Paintings, Ladies, A Large Suite of Tibet-themed Paintings.
